Sometimes life has a way of turning around when you least expect it. You can think you were meant to be on a certain path, but then BOOM…out of nowhere (or so it seems at the time), that door is shut. Sometimes it is slammed in your face, while other times it is a gentle closing…making sure it doesn’t make too much noise as it closes- you know, kinda like you do when you shut the door on a sleeping baby?
In my life, there have been doors of all kinds. Some of those doors I shut on my own, while others were shut for me…while I desired with every inch of my being to walk through.
I couldn’t understand many of the reasons at the time, and I still can’t understand many of the reasons…although, as time has continued ticking, I have understood far more than I did before.
You see, so many doors honestly do get shut so that better things can come into place. Man, it sure doesn’t feel like it at the time. In fact, I would venture to say it never feels like that at the time, no matter your age or stage in life.
When I went to college at Murray State University, I had come from a small private school. I graduated Valedictorian in a class of a whopping 13 people. I loved school, and I loved learning and being involved. I knew college was my next step. It just seemed like the next thing to do. I decided to pursue Public Relations and Organizational Communication. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do with that. In fact, I had no idea. I basically took Org Comm so that I could overcome a terrible fear of public speaking. You see, with that minor- you did a LOT of public speaking and writing (which I do love). What was I thinking?? I am still not over that fear, but it did help, kinda.
You see, while I pursued PR and Org Comm, my heart was not completely in that. It was a good major and minor, and I enjoyed it just fine- but I knew something was missing. You see, before deciding on those, I wanted to do interior decorating/design. I knew deep down that was a true passion of mine, but I pushed it back because I didn’t know what I could ever do with that. I didn’t have “plans” on how to develop that into something, and I thought- “Who would ever pay me to do that kinda thing anyway?” HGTV was a thing, but it wasn’t like it is now. That field was different than what I would envision it to be now, 15 years later.
So anyway…I went down the path that I had chosen. I went down that path with intensity, enjoying each moment of college and trying to make myself get out of bed for those 8 AM classes. I tried over and over to know in my mind what I needed to do with my life and this chosen profession. I just didn’t know. Nothing stood out to me. There was no dream job for me in that profession. I just felt like God would shine the light on something one day and I would “know.”
Fast forward a couple of years after college graduation, when I was working full time. There was a position that came available that I had just felt 100% was what I was called to do. Why would it not be? I had went to school for that, and I had been preparing for 4 years in college to take a position such as this. This job was as good as mine.
I went into that interview SO confident. I didn’t have a single nerve…until I did. I didn’t have a single inhibition, until this happened. I was asked, “Do you really think anyone would take you seriously when you come into the room, with your size?” I am a 5 foot tall fiesty thing, if I do say so. I have never let myself get walked on, until now. Or at least I felt like I was being trampled on. I felt like my heart was tugged directly into my throat. I honestly couldn’t find the words to say. I knew it was over. How do you respond to that, in a moment when you feel like you are being completely judged on something that you have zero control over…something that would make zero difference in the way you would perform a job? My size had never entered my mind in the PR field. I had literally never given one ounce of thought to that, until then. As I finished the interview, I took my lunch early and drove around. I cried. I asked God, WHY? Why did you let me go in there and try for this job? Why did you make me so small? I felt so inadequate. I felt like he was right about me. Why had I never thought of this before? Of course nobody would take me seriously. I looked like a joke. A little teeny bopper trying to be someone that I would never be. I felt like, at that moment, I had no idea what God had called me to do. I had been wrong all along. Why had I wasted my time? Why had I spent 4 years learning, just to be told I wasn’t tall enough or had enough experience? Why couldn’t I at least have a chance to gain experience? I had lots of questions…but no answers.
Looking back, God was saying…”Just wait.”
You see, I went on and moved on- not even letting many people in on the struggles I was dealing with internally. I was struggling with my identity. I was struggling taking my own self serious anymore. I felt short and not enough. Too dang short. I mean, who wanted someone in a position that they would influence people or talk to media when their feet wouldn’t even touch the floor while sitting in a chair? What a joke I was.
But as time went on, God moved me right along. He gave me great opportunities in a great company, and I loved it. I felt happy, but not complete. I knew God still must have something different planned, but what could it be? I was still struggling with infertility at this point too…and I wanted to be a mother so bad. Why was this happening? Is there just something wrong with me?
The Lord blessed me, after a few years, with a beautiful baby girl…and then a beautiful baby boy. They were (and still are) my heartbeat.
Over time, I felt the Lord changing my heart slowly but surely. I began to realize where my TRUE talents and passions were, and I began to focus some of my time on them. The more I did, the more I realized that He was calling me to step out on faith and pursue those full time. With much prayer and countless talks with my husband- we were on the same page, and I quit my job to come home. I came home to be with my babies that I felt an aching to be with more. I came home to pursue a totally different career path…my blog. This blog. The one you are reading right now.
God called me home to be a mother. God called me home to be a blogger. A blogger of all things! Who would have ever thought?
In the 10 years since I have been home and running my own business, God has reassured me immensely that I made the right decision. He has blessed me beyond measure, and he has given my blog it’s own 2 feet to stand on, reaching millions of people each year! He has helped me reach into other talents that I never even realized I had- and helped me succeed to run TWO 7 figure businesses, and even bring my husband home to be the cornerstone of our e-commerce store and get to walk in his calling in other areas that he loves.
He has brought back my very original desire to decorate and made it my business! He re-opened my eyes to my love of painting and made a way for me to incorporate that into my everyday business life. Each thing that I do today was pre-planned by Him. He knew that my NO’s would one day be my biggest Yes’s! He knew that my years of college would help me in launching and running my business. He knew that my marketing classes would help me be able to get my products and blog to the right people, in the right way. He knew, y’all. He really knew.
He also knew that writing 26 page papers would one day lead me to writing a post like this so that you could read about my journey. He knew.
I didn’t know, but He did.
I sure do thank Him that I was too short for the original plan I had in mind, for where I am now has fulfilled my life in such a way that I could never repay Him. He has lifted me up and shown me what I am capable of. He has given me drive and determination beyond what I even realized I had. He has made me unique, and he has made me perfect in His image. All 5 foot of me.
Last Updated on January 29, 2025
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I’m glad your short too!! Love you with all my ❤️!!!!
You, my dear are AMAZING. From the first time I met you. And you have only continued to prove to be true. So thankful that you listened and know who you are designed to be, sweet friend! It’s truly the best place to be. Enjoy this journey!! And I’ll be traveling along with you cheering you on!!
Isn’t it amazing how things fall into place when we let go and let God direct our steps? This was a beautiful post and I’m so glad you shared your heart.
i Loved your post, Thankyou ? I have had many of experiences in my life I have wondered about and said “Why?” and at my age I catch myself asking the same question right now, but I feel what you have said is just the perfect timing for me to read what you have whole heartily shared, it is what I needed to to read. Life is amazing when you think about it, and even thou I feel like I do right now, I know I would not swap it for anything, my daughter and son are my life, and desire to keep living ang breathing. Thankyou in so many ways and on many levels, God Bless you, and your family xo
Love your transparent heart and your love for decorating! You inspire me, even at my age to push on to do things I love like painting and making things! Mostly I love that you followed your heart to be a stay at home mom! It is the greatest and the highest job God has called us to do!
Thank you Brooke for sharing!
Great post Brooke! Thanks for sharing! God gives us the desire of our hearts when we fully follow Him and allow Him to lead. Continued blessings!
Wonderful post! I’m going to send the link to my 5-foot-something-wonderful daughter!
Thank you for sharing your story. Just so you know, I think God pack a ton of goodness, talent and sweetness in your little 5 foot frame!
Thank you so much, Kelli!! You are so very seeet.
Brooke, I too am short!! 5 ft !! But now that I’m getting older I think I’m getting shorter!! I have 6 children and 23 grandchildren,10 of them are now taller than me!!! A few more are getting close. It’s always the best thing to be taller than Nana!! But you know what? My spirit has no height. What is inside my heart has no limits! My brain has no restrictions for learning. I can be whatever I choose. I chose staying at home with my children. All I ever wanted was to be a wife and a mother. I have always had so much love in my heart to give. I have had so much JOY being with my family. I love to decorate my home. I sewed so so many clothes !! I always get such a feeling of accomplishment, even now after 42 years at my chosen “profession. Me height through all these years has not mattered. I have red hair and I am Feisty!!! I love my life as you do. Isn’t life great!!
Thank you for sharing, Kristie! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
What a remarkable story. God knows the plans he has for us. Thanks for sharing
What a beautiful post from a beautiful soul. I’m glad you followed your heart cuz your story inspires me. I look forward to more.
Oh Brooke, you are amazing! I so admire you for your blog & your faith! You are SO blessed to have a handsome, supportive husband, beautiful children & home! And this post was awesome! Thank you beautiful girl!
Great blog post Brooke. I have read this so many times for inspiration since I started following you nearly 3 years ago in that little room where LIFE, CRAFTING, and FAMILY were real up in there!!! And to think you are just a few hours away from my family in BG. Can’t wait to meet you sister, another “short” but mighty woman in Gods kingdom of believers!!!