Sunflowers are one of the most beautiful flowers to see out in creation! They are so tall and magnificent, and you can’t help but smile, and if you are like me, take a picture! Today I am sharing with you a wooden sunflower that I painted and added to a wood sign! It turned out adorable in the end!

I bought this pack of 3 flowers from Target in the Spring for $5.00, because I had other plans for them. Well, you know how that goes sometimes! LOL. These beauties sat in my craft room, and they got ignored…
BUT, it is now time for ONE of them to shine! As for the other two, well….one day…
I decided to paint it like a sunflower, even though the shape is not QUITE the same…but it works for this. I had the wooden sign from Hobby Lobby, and I had used it on my most recent segment of Talk of the Town while on the air, but it was just for “showing” purposes, so it never got completed. It already had the reindeer moss on it, so I knew the flower would go perfectly right into the “grass” that was in place.
I painted the sunflower with kings gold, and then added black in the center and for the “shadows”…and marsh green for the leaves.
It seemed like there wasn’t enough PIZZAZZ going on, so I decided to add a little burlap banner next. These are so easy, because you just take the wired burlap roll and cut into triangles! I used 4, and it was just the right amount. Of course, no banner is complete without a little polka dot action! I just hand painted those.
Once the banner was hot glued onto the sign, it still felt like it needed something. Now, y’all know I am EXTRA, so you may likely be done after the banner…but not me.
I decided to paint the outside black, with some white stripes! BAM. It hit the spot, and I am LOVING IT!
Isn’t this a fun little sign?! So much character!
I love this fun little project! I hope you enjoyed it and it sparked some FALL creativity for you! See you soon!
Last Updated on August 30, 2022
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Love the sun flower! Beautiful! Love the extra touches ! Roselyn
Love it!
This is super cute!!