8 years ago, we bought 20 acres of land and sat a single wide mobile home on it while we prepared to build our dream home as a family.

We ended up living in that single wide for 3 years as we spend lots of time prepping the land to make it our own. We put in a pond out front, built a shop, cleared brush, put grass (boy was that a process) and the list goes on.
After 3 years of prepping land and building our house, we moved into what we thought would be our “forever” home. But even as we always said it was likely our forever home, we always knew in the back of our mind that may not be true. You see, there was always something in us that felt like we would one day be called to another area. We didn’t “talk” about it to others, and we really barely talked about it to each other…we just knew.

We made tons of memories in this home. This was NOT the home the kids came home from the hospital…but it is the home that they grew and made memories in…fishing, riding 4-wheelers, playing in the creek, swimming, watching countless movies together and the list goes on. They love that house. WE love that house. But in the end, it is a house. A HOME is the people you share it with. We realize that…and they are learning it, although not easily.
So let me reverse things for a bit….
Let me take you back to 2009. We didn’t have kids yet, and we were trying to decide what was best for us in life. We were both working for local electric companies, and they were great jobs. Life was good, but we felt a tug to Nashville, TN. I had grown up 1 hour north of there, and it was always like home to me. I rode horses in all the areas surrounding Nashville, had friends, went on field trips there, went there for everything. It was our closest “big city”. When we got there coming home from a vacation, we would say “WE ARE HOME”, although we still had an hour to go. So…needless to say, that area always held a special place in my heart. Now, back to the tug…
Brandon was a journeyman lineman at a local utility, and we decided to listen to the tug and apply for a journeyman lineman position at Nashville Electric. He interviewed a few different times down there, and we started realizing it was a real possibility he would get the job. But…we could never get peace about it. We just couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t the right time for us. We never felt it was a NO from God, but a “not right now…” so Brandon told them they needed to take his name out of the running. When he did that, they told him that they were down to the final 2 and he was the frontrunner that they planned to give the job to. We still felt peace it wasn’t the right time, so we went about life…making a beautiful life in Mayfield, KY.
Fast forward to now…2024. That pulling to the general Nashville area came back. This time it came back STRONG and TRUE. We always felt like it might….and it did. But the difference in this time and the time before was that we felt 100% peace. We just knew. We just knew that the “one day” was now. It didn’t make sense. Nothing happened suddenly. Nothing is being done in Nashville that we need to be down there for. Nothing happened with our family or our church or our business. Everything was good. Everything was easy. Everything was exactly as we would have dreamed, we thought.
So, if that was the case, why would we pack it all up and leave it? Why would we leave our family? Our church? Our home? Our friends?
I can’t answer that, except to say this. How do WE know a life is everything we ever dreamed? Sometimes even our biggest dreams fall short of what God has planned. I have seen that time and again…so I will never undercut what He has for me because of what I think I have for me.
When you know God is calling you to do something, you better do it. It usually doesn’t make sense. I have found that out many times. It will usually cause you to be questioned, talked about and even ridiculed. You will usually be very misunderstood and perhaps even the topic of rumors that rise from nothing. BUT…if God is calling you to do something, none of that should matter. You do it. And you do it when HE says.
God has never steered us wrong yet, and we don’t expect Him to now. He was walked before us, beside us and in every step along the way in our past as we navigated this life together. For whatever reason, the Nashville area is where HE wants us to be, and over the course of 15 years, He has molded that to happen at this time in our lives. Why now? I don’t know. But do you want to know what I do know? I know this. I know that every single time we come down to this general area, we feel at HOME. We make new friends. God winks at us over and over. We feel it all over us. The excitement to see what is in store is unlike anything we have ever experienced. I cannot WAIT to bring you along for the ride!
NOW…Some of the fun stuff that you probably want to know!
Where are we moving? LEBANON, Tennessee! You may have heard of it, and you may not have heard of it…but I have actually been here many many times through the years and turns out, I know a few people here that I didn’t even realized lived here. God is good.
Lebanon is approximately 25 miles East of Nashville, and it is rural and beautiful- yet GROWING insanely…and close to everything we could want!
The kids are excited to start their journey at their new school there (and this school has already shown to be the most WELCOMING and FRIENDLY school ever…I have been amazed), and Blaize is beside himself to finally get to play FOOTBALL. He has always always wanted to play football like his dad and cousins, but because we felt strongly about having them in a Christian school- that was never an option because none of the ones in our area have a football program. Imagine how happy he was when he found out this one does have it! I can’t even wait to see him play. As funny as it may sound, this is something I am most excited about. When your kids get excited about something they love, it just makes you that way too! We will certainly miss all of our other school friends too, and they will always hold a dear place in our heart.
We finally bought a HOUSE, but let me go ahead and try to explain this process a little bit. If this wasn’t something that I do for a living and share with you all daily, I wouldn’t worry with taking the time to explain this, but I know you will be confused and ask lots of questions, and I get that! So, here is the deal….
YES, we built our home in KY. We love it! I mentioned all of that above. BUT, we have decided not to sell it just yet. Because of its location to our boutique warehouse, family land, etc…we wanted to hang onto it until we fully know we want to or have to sell it. So, in the meantime, we will be using it as we go back and forth from TN back to KY for family and the boutique! Yay!!!
We DID buy a home in Lebanon too- but it is not our “forever” home (is there such a thing?)… When you move somewhere brand new, it is hard to know exactly where you want to settle. What part of the county best suits your needs? What are the key things you truly want to be close to? While we might “THINK” we know some of that, we really don’t until we move down there and LIVE and do LIFE. So, in saying all of that, we bought a house that will be the perfect transition house until we know our true next step in this journey. It is in a subdivision and about half the size of ours. I know it will be brought up alot, as we are leaving lots of land, a pond, our pool and lots of room…but here is the deal. A house doesn’t make a home. It is the people you share it with. We do believe that 100%. Do I want those things again in the future- YES. There is nobody who loves country life more than me. Is that what we will have again one day? Hopefully, but who knows. This is a new season of relationships and settling, and this suits our needs without so much maintenance in the meantime.
I am dropping a picture of the house below, and as always- I will share it with you all when we are in, and we will decorate and craft together and share life like always! I truly can’t wait!
Will we build again or buy in our area of choosing once we are settled in? Who knows?! We sure don’t, but you can come alongside our journey as we navigate it together!
Let me squash some rumors that have been running wild with some loose lips lately:
1) NO, we are not moving down there to get a divorce. That is actually pretty funny, but sad.
2) NO, the boutique is not closing. We just build a brand new 18,000 sq ft warehouse! IT IS IN ITS PRIME! We have the best employees ever, and we are so EXCITED to see what the future holds in that space!
3) NO, Re-Fabbed is not changing. The thing to remember is this- it is an ONLINE business. It can and has been done anywhere in the world. The boutique has a team that runs it and we don’t micromanage and have to be right there on top of them. That is what a great team does- they run a business and we oversee and keep our finger on the pulse and do as much as needed from anywhere in the world. We will also be back and forth to the warehouse, especially Brandon, as he is the hands and feet over there and manages it amazingly!
4) NO, we do not have plans up our sleeves that is making us move down to TN. We are entrepreneurs. We are always working and doing things, but there is not one single thing happening that has anything to do with this move. Will things come along the way? I am sure they will, just like they would in KY.
5) YES!!! The airport being within 25 min will be a GAME CHANGER for our family!! We drive well over 2 hours everytime we fly, so we are super excited about this!
6) NO! There are NOT hard feelings back home with anyone. We are just excited for the change God led us to, so please don’t make up false narratives because you think it gives you something to talk about.
We officially move on July 19th, so in the meantime, I will be sharing the journey in my stories on Instagram and live videos and blog posts…so make sure you are following in all the places!
Let’s do this, y’all!!! What an exciting time to see what GOD HAS PLANNED for the Riley crew!
Last Updated on July 9, 2024
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Thank you so such for sharing. I’m sorry people assume bad things happen when things change. It’s just in their DNA.
Isn’t God’s timing funny?😁
Wishing nothing but happiness for you and your family as you move into this next chapter of your life. I know your staff will continue to do an amazing job and uphold the high standards the boutique has always had!
In His love~
Kim Cathey
Thank you!! 💖
You’re moving in my state. We live in Kingsport, Tennessee. It’s about an hour and a half from Knoxville. Welcome to Tennessee.
Thank you! We are excited! ❤️
So exciting for this new journey in your family lives right now. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for y’all!! Love to be following you and your inspiration!!
Thank you for being here! ❤️
I have followed you for years and wanted to meet you in person. Now that you are in Lebanon where we go shopping, I hope we can get together. Charlene
Thanks for being here! 💕
I love so much of what you stand for! Old enough to be your mama but love following you and your family!! Obedience precedes blessing and can’t wait to keep seeing what God is doing in your lives. Haven’t bought anything clothes other than your boutique since I came across you! Just so fun and have a nice and a cousin in Nashville and had a nephew who graduated Belmont! Blessings as you move and July 19th is my 27th wedding anniversary!
Thank you so much! ❤️
So happy for you and your family Brooke. When God calls we listen and obey. Congratulations 🎊
I’m so excited for you and your family, Brooke! I’m all about change and listening to your gut! I think change is exciting! I’m wishing you all the best, and you can count on me to follow this newest adventure of your! I love Tennessee, by the way! It’s a gorgeous state! Good luck with everything! Love from Cindy in Ohio
Change can be a great thing! Thank you so much for following along! ❤️
Welcome to Tennessee!!!! We are only about 200 miles from you – closer to Memphis – and have friends that have been in Lebanon for a number of years!
Thank you!
So excited for your journey as you follow the Lord. He never said it would be easy or clear, but he rewards our obedience, especially when we trust. I support y’all! Thank you for being candid and bringing us with you on the journey. Be blessed!
Thank you so much! ❤️
I am so excited for you and the family. I can’t wait to go on this journey with y’all! I hope Tennessee is everything y’all are looking for!
Thank you for following along! ❤️
This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see what happens next. Best of everything to you and your family!
Thank you for following along! ❤️
I’m screaming out loud. Welcome to Tennessee and just down the road from me. Sorta!!
Omg!!! So happy for y’all!!! This is so exciting!!! I recently lost my husband a year and a half ago, and also trying to find a new home close to my son & daughter-n- law, who is expecting in January!!!
It’s not the easiest thing to do, move to a new place but I agree with you, a home is just a place it’s who you live with that makes it a home, and hopefully for me will be my new grandchild.
I know that is a hard situation, but oh the excitement for a new grand-baby! ❤️
So thankful you are following where God wants you first and foremost. Can’t wait to follow your journey. Praying this an easy transition for all of you!
Thank you! ❤️
Congrats on your move and excited to see what this next journey holds. I have been watching since the trailer days and you inspire me and so many others to live their best life and let Jesus lead the way!
Thank you so much for being here! ❤️
We moved to Mt Juliet 38 years ago. We left our home, church, and friends for the same reason you are doing it. It has been wonderful. Welcome to Tennessee and Wilson County.
That makes me happy to hear! ❤️
Congratulations and Good luck on your new endeavors. I love Tennessee we actually talk about moving there ourselves from West Middletown, Ohio. I know you will be successful in everything you do.
Thank you so much! ❤️
Welcome back to Tennessee! Come down to Franklin and visit when you get settled in.
We love Franklin!
From one Hoptown/Christian Co. girl to another…Welcome to Wilson County. It is a great area to live in.
Thank you! We are so excited!
Congratulations on your move!!
So excited to follow your journey.
You are the 1st online crafter I watched and I love all that you do!!
I’m so glad you are here. Thank you! ❤️
I’m so excited for you and you family this is amazing I can’t wait to follow on your new beautiful journey best of luck and love God Bless you all ✝️
Thank you so much! ❤️
Best wishes on your new adventure! I will be following along online to see what God has in store for your family. Congratulations!
I appreciate that. Thank you for following along! ❤️
When you learn to trust God, everything just falls into place! I’m excited to see what unfolds for you there! Praying for a smooth transition for you all. I’ll be here for the updates! So excited for you!! ~Daphne
Congratulations to the Riley family!! Hope all turns out well for all of you.
So excited for you and your family! When God shows us what He has for us, and we listen, we receive blessings from Him! Prayers for you, Brandon, Eden and Blaze!!🥰🙏🙏🙏
You are so right to follow God’s leading in your life. Listening for His timing is great. If you have God first in your life and let Him lead you then He will bless you more than you know. Praying for your family to have safe travels for your move.
Continue to listen for God’s calling in your life for you and your family.
Sounds so exciting. Wishing you the best!
You will love Tennessee. Born here and still here (Maury County — about 45 minutes south of Nashville on I-65). We are known as Mule Town — home of Mule Day. If you start looking for land, give me a call. I can get you in touch with some great realtors in the area. Good luck on your move and enjoy your new home❤️❤️❤️❤️
So incredibly happy for you and your family. Your new home town will love ya’ll as much as your online family does.
You are a breath of fresh air and a blessing to many.
Much happiness,
Shannon Doerr
Brooke I am so happy for your precious family…….my question is did Brandon get the job with NES or MTE. I live in Murfreesboro and you are a hop skip and a jump from me. Thank you for sharing your journey, and please keep posting love ALL you post.
How exciting! Can’t wait to see your adventures in your new home in Tennessee. God Bless your family 💜🙏🏻
I just moved after only 16 months in a home. The area was beautiful…in the mountains with all the flora and fauna that go with that. Why? Because God told me I wasn’t in the right place. There was no community for me there. While online communities are great they don’t fill the need of being with people. So now I’m in the West Phoenix area. Very different but I know I’m where God wants me to be, for now. Should he tell me to move again, I will.
So happy for y’all in this next journey of life. I wish y’all the best and when God is in the picture, everything works out for the best. It’s ashamed people have their assumptions and voice them. Thank you for sharing this news and again I wish y’all the best. Keep us posted.
Congratulations on the move! We love to visit Nashville too and I often think I could retire to Tennessee. But the gulf coast of Florida is where I find myself dreaming of after every visit. I need to win the lottery so I can buy two houses! The new home looks beautiful. I look forward to seeing updates along your journey.
Best of luck on your move. I am from Alabama and have visited Lebanon numerous of times on my way to the Smokies. It is such a beautiful place. God is calling y’all there for a reason. You will soon know why.
God bless you and your beautiful family
Congratulations, I hope you and your family will be happy. God is walking right next to you. So all your decisions will be made with him by your side.
Congratulations and I’m so excited for you and your family on your new journey here in TN! I am not native to TN as I am a Virginian but my husband’s army career originally brought us here in 1992 to Ft. Campbell, KY and our youngest son was born here. We live in Clarksville on the TN/KY border. You probably drive right past here from Mayfield to Nashville. We always say, home is where the army takes you! We’ve always loved TN as my husband has a sister that lives in Hendersonville. We were so fortunate the army sent us back here from Germany in 2003. Our son’s were pretty much raised here and my husband retired from Ft. Campbell in 2012. We absolutely love it here and hope you all will too! We have not been to Lebanon, maybe one day we will explore it. Looking forward to following you on your new adventure! Have a safe move! Hugs!! 🤗
I love this for all of you! Y’all remind me of my hubby and I – we always have said we aren’t tree’s therefore we go where God tells us! I have been with you since the mobile home and am so excited to see how TN loves on you. The new home looks so nice, even if it is temporary. Here’s wishing you ALL the best in your new adventures. TN may be calling hubby and I as well one day 🙂
Sherri in FL 🌸
Thank you so much! ❤️
I am so excited for your new journey Brooke and your family. I wish you nothing but the happiness and I will still continue shopping from refab boutique. You’re the best God bless you and your family. Love you.
This so exciting, especially the football opportunity and close by airport.
You won’t regret a low maintenance place either.
May God’s blessings of wisdom and safety be upon you as you move.
We’ve been moving the last five weeks. Boxes everywhere. Decisions, decisions.
But, a joy in knowing it was God’s timing. His hand has been evident time and again.
So very excited for y’all, Brooke. With God being in y’all’s life, it is the right decision always. Love your new house. Excited for the kids and their sports I know that is very important to kids and of course the parents too because we love watching them. God bless you and safe travels this coming week.
Thank you so much! ❤️
Welcome to Tennessee!! I lived in Lebanon for a few years and LOVED it!!
It’s changed a lot since then, but for the better!!
Prayers and good thoughts to you and your family!!
Blessings to you & your family on your journey & move to Tennessee! I have followed you since the trailer house & your desire to keep/follow GOD as your focus is why I stay… Thank you for your transparency& willingness to be BOLD…no matter where,what, or when! Praying for you & your family through this transition!
Thank you for sharing your new exciting move and things to come! I am sorry people have questioned and said bad things, you know what you are doing for your family and your direction from God is good and what you are called to do. I love your crafting , buying session etc that you share. You give us such good projects and ideas for decorating, that are simple and attainable and beautiful…Thank you for that! Good luck on your move, it a beautiful home as well. and I don’t blame you for hanging on to your KY home for longer. You can always come back to it and your family and the family land!
So excited for the family! Making memories as you all grow. May God keep you all safe and healthy.
So happy for your family! Thank you for sharing your journey with us all these years! Can’t wait to see what God does next.
Isn’t it funny when things are going good and people don’t do the predictable, that the assumption is made that something negative must be going on. Who ever said when things are going good that they can’t be even better? Small minds and envious people will always try to find something bad in other peoples decisions, it makes them feel better about their own life. You nailed life in KY, and you’ll nail it in TN.
Welcome to Tennessee.
So happy for you and your family! Love everything you represent and teach! God is good and I love the path he has shown you. Great watching from Florida!
Thank you! ❤️
So happy for you and the Riley family. May God continue to bless as you listen and follow him. Keep the Faith.
I look forward to following you on your journey called life, and watching as Eden & Blaize grow up. Also, to follow you & Brandon for inspiration, leadership trainings, crafting, & of course to purchase from the Refabbed Boutique!
Love & Prayers
Take care,
Thank you so much! ❤️
Wow! Alot of Comments on this one, Brooke. I knew alot already but, just wanted to be up to date! Thanks. God bless you!!!
Thank you!!!