Distractions come in different shapes and sizes for people. These are things that pull attention away from God and cause us to focus on other areas. For some people, money might be a distraction. They feel like they never have enough or want the latest material possession, so they spend countless hours on the job. For some people, it might be entertainment. This could range from mindless scrolling on their phones to binge watching television. For others, it might be hobbies, relationships, or just plain busyness. Whatever it is, the enemy loves to use distractions in an attempt to cause us to take our focus off of God and His plan for us.
In Genesis 15, the Lord is promising a son to Abram. Abram had waited many years for a son and a fulfillment of God’s promise. Abram believed that God would fulfill His promise and that Abram would have as many descendants as the stars in the sky. God had then told Abram that he would possess a large portion of land. Abram asked how could he be sure. God told him to take five different species and use them for a sacrifice.
“So Abram presented all these to him and killed them. Then he cut each animal down the middle and laid the halves side by side; he did not, however, cut the birds in half. Some vultures swooped down to eat the carcasses, but Abram chased them away.” Genesis 15:10-11
Abram was trying to be obedient to the commands that God had called him to. He cut the animals as God described and laid them out on the altar. As soon as Abram presented these to God, vultures started to swoop down and Abram had to chase them away. While this may seem like an odd thing to add to Scripture, I find it only fitting that it would be included. It seems only fitting that as Abram was trying to be obedient and follow God’s plan that distractions would come. Just because we are being obedient to God and trying to follow His instructions does not mean that we will be free from distractions. The enemy is great at trying to get our focus off of God and onto something else, whatever that might be. For Abram, the distraction was the vultures. But Abram chased them away. After the vultures were chased away, Abram got to experience a personal encounter with God (Genesis 15:12-19).
As we focus on what God has called us to do and commit to following closer to Him, we can expect that discouragement and distractions from this world will come to try and thwart our plans. Do not let those distractions pull you away from your relationship and obedience to Christ. Staying committed to God takes endurance, but the benefit (a true encounter with God) is worth it.
This devotional was written by Amy Carrico of Making the Moments Matter. Click HERE to follow her on Facebook!
Last Updated on January 14, 2025
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Amen. This was just what I needed at this time. Thank you.